Upcoming Webinars and Videos

We’re putting together a series of free live videos and webinars from our Moab Masters to learn and develop new skills.
Below is a list of classes and dates. Please register to each webinar you’d like to attend. You’ll receive an email with a link to the class once you have signed up.
All videos will be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel to view at a later time.
If you haven’t already, download this free eBook, an Ultimate Guide to Fine Art Printing,
Upcoming Webinars:
Released Videos:

Printing on Moenkopi Papers
Join Evan Parker and Les Picker to discuss best practices for printing on Moab's Japanese papers, Moenkopi Kozo and Unryu. Learn when to use these papers, printing tips and how to display finished prints. Bring any questions for Evan and Les to ask throughout the webinar.

April 18th, 12pm EST: What paper is best for me?
With a wide variety of papers in the Moab line, how do you decide what to use for your next print project? Evan and Jim Graham discuss the differences between paper finishes and materials, characteristics of each, and how the paper influences perception of the print.

January 30th, 12pm EST: Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist, Evan Parker
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more! Bring your questions to the Q&A.

Harold Davis - Composing Your Photographs with Printmaking in Mind
In this webinar Harold Davis will draw on the techniques explained in his groundbreaking book Composition & Photography to drill down on the specifics needed to apply "compositional smarts" to the art and craft of fine photographic printmaking. The webinar will cover topics including: how to pre-visualize your image as a print, the role printmaking plays before you capture the image, photography and two-dimensional design, making the best use of borders, choosing the right paper, and getting started with making prints.

Mastering Soft Proofing: How to Get Accurate Colors Every Time
Between editing and printing there is one important step we often forget: the soft proof. With a calibrated monitor you can accurately preview your print colors on screen, and make any necessary edits before you make the print. Want to learn more? Have questions about soft proofing? Join us!

From Concept to Print
Want to begin printing your images, but don’t know where to start? Are you happy with your prints and want to better understand the process? Need some tips on processing your files to look their best on paper? Join us for a walk-through of the print process: file prep, image size & resolution, ICC profile selection, media type, and selecting paper.

Printing Moab Artist Cards for the Holidays
A step by step tutorial for printing Moab Artist Cards from Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and more. We’ll cover image prep, print setup, and printing your message on the inside of the card. In addition to the PS and LR templates available Evan will cover how to create a file with proper margins which can be printed from any program supporting color management. ’Tis the season for sending a handmade holiday card.

August 25th, 2pm EST: Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more! Bring your questions to the Q&A.

The Colorful World of Black & White with Jim LaSala
Learn to tell a story without the help from color. Lightroom/Photoshop or Plugins, take your pick.
Jim will demonstrate different techniques for getting your B&W images to look their best. A short Keynote presentation followed by some post processing.

January 28th, 2pm EST: Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more! Bring your questions to the Q&A.

Printing Moab Artist Cards & Entradalopes
Join us for a live step by step tutorial for printing Moab Artist Cards and Entradalopes from Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. We’ll cover image prep, print setup, and printing your message on the inside of the card. ’Tis the season for sending a hand made holiday card. We’ll take your card printing questions during the webinar as well.

November 17: Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

'Out of Eden', Walking the Globe Documented by John Stanmeyer
"My dear friend and colleague, Paul Salopek, is the walker, me his Passepartout. Since early 2013 Paul has walked more than 18,000 KM (11,000 miles), from the origins of Homo Sapiens through 16 countries. I have walked around 800 KM (500 miles), often backward when being with Paul…if not, the one image in each issue of National Geographic magazine of my friend would only be of his sides, or bum.
Paul is not the story. Out of Eden, now into its ninth chapter publishing in the November issue, is a story about all of us. A visual narrative of who, as humanity, we are today. A global journey following the migration of our ancestors that began some 50,000-70,000 years ago from a region today we call the Horn of Africa.

So far I have walked, driven, even owned a mule, through Ethiopia, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Palestinian Territory, Israel, Turkey, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and all of north India, trying to tell a story on our commonality, often a heavy narrative of who we are today. As I write these words, Paul’s feet are on the ground in the longest continuous country of the walk; China. Once COVID restriction ease, I will rejoin Paul through a land I know well.
Of the 18 stories I have photographed for National Geographic, the Out of Eden Walk is like no story I have ever done. Creating an indisputable testimony of our commonality that we are all sisters and brothers on the only place we can live — earth."
Join us to learn more about 'Out of Eden' by John Stanmeyer, and how printing plays a large role is his work.

September 21, 2pm EST: The Craft of Printing Your Art with John Whalley
Join us for a conversation with John Whalley about the process of capturing and printing your artwork. A working artist for over 45 years, John has been digitizing and printing his paintings and drawings in-house, giving him creative control and creating an additional revenue stream. We will discuss John’s work, his capture to print process, and how artists can begin to reproduce their own works.

September 17, 2pm EST: Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

A Photo Story by Scott Barrow: Crossing to Block Island
Scott tells a unique story using the photos taken from a ferry ride to Block Island. The "Crossing To Block Island" story is really about how "getting there" can often be as visually rewarding as "being there". That's not to say that my 3 hour drive from the Berkshires to the Point Judith ferry is something I look forward to, but once I am on the "boat" I feel like I'm already on Block Island. This near constant companion to the island is at once a partner, provider, taxi, life line, welcome wagon, coffee hour host, happy hour bar tender and to a large degree, an extended family member. Every trip is unique and I have 55 minutes during the crossing to explore the ship, the passengers and the extremely animated sea. I will be showing these "speed dating" images as well as a selection of my Block Island favorites.

Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist (June 29th)
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

May 12th - Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

Part II: Digital Black & White, Editing, Soft Proofing, and Printing
Watch on YouTube.Join us for another black and white photography webinar. For this edition we will cover file preparation in Capture One, Lightroom, and Photoshop. In addition, we’ll demonstrate soft proofing, and how to select a paper to best compliment your image. Join Moab Master, Jim Graham, and technical specialist, Evan Parker, as they further explore a black and white workflow for the digital darkroom.

The Art of the Gallery Show with Les Picker
Watch on YouTube.Over the years as a fine art print workshop leader, Les Picker been asked countless times how one goes about translating the beautiful prints photographers create into a public exhibition. Clients who have taken his print and portfolio workshops have gone on to land exciting exhibitions.
Les has packaged his knowledge of how to land and pull off a successful gallery show into a 60-page, fully illustrated eBook. This how-to guide explains the various types of exhibitions, how to prepare for them, how to approach gallery owners or venue managers, negotiating your contract, how to set up, how to stage your critical Opening Night, how you should follow up, and much more.
Les will expand on these issues during our webinar.

4/6- Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Watch on YouTube.Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

Digital Black and White, From Capture to Print
Watch on YouTube.Join Moab Master Jim Graham and Evan Parker as they present a black and white workflow for the digital darkroom. From file preparation, black and white conversion, paper selection and printing, to the final image on paper. Join us to learn about the black and white process.

Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist (March 3rd)
Watch on YouTube.Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

Creative Composition with Jennifer King: It’s Not What You Photograph, It’s How You Photograph!
Watch on YouTube.A photo subject can be the same, yet captured in so many different ways. What makes one photograph stand out above the others? It is simple, a great composition. Understanding how our vision responds to an image is the first step in achieving success. From the basics of line, color and form to the use of more advanced techniques, we will explore and discuss different artistic approaches used to create better photos and help you become a better photographer. Creativity spreads… come and catch it!

Working on the Street: How to Capture the Whole Story with Jim LaSala
Watch on YouTube.In this webinar, Jim will talk about his approach to street photography. An approach that centers on understanding the use of available light, but also involves using all your resources including your heart to tell the story. He will share his tips and experiences working as a documentarist on the street. One should capture life, emotions, and relationships. Street photography is not just about people, it’s about places and things as well, but most importantly, it’s about telling the whole story. Jim hopes that at the end of this webinar, you will leave inspired to capture what street photography has to offer.

Printing Moab Artist Cards for the Holidays
Watch on YouTube.Join us for a live step by step tutorial for printing Moab Artist Cards and Entradalopes from Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. We’ll cover image prep, print setup, and printing your message on the inside of the card. ’Tis the season for sending a hand made holiday card. We’ll take your card printing questions during the webinar as well.

PAUSES: A conversation with legendary photographer, Barbara Bordnick
Watch on YouTube.Iconic photographer, educator and lecturer, Barbara Bordnick, presents her work spanning over five decades touching on fashion, portrait and still life. Barbara’s work has been published in countless magazines and newspapers, has received numerous prestigious awards, and was elected as the first woman president of the American Society of Magazine Photographers in 1977.
Her photography has been featured in museums and galleries worldwide and has published a variety of books, including the popular SEARCHINGS, Secret Landscapes of Flowers series. Barbara will feature a wide selection of her photography and open up the conversation to Q&A.

Color Management with Evan Parker
Watch on YouTube.Color Management is one of the most important topics in photography when it comes to printing your own work. The goal of Color Management is to match your prints to what you see on your computer screen. Learn all about Color Management from Moab Technical Specialist, Evan Parker with your questions answered throughout the presentation.

Natalie Amrossi: The Misshattan Story.
Watch on YouTube.Let’s chat with Natalie Amrossi (aka Misshattan). Natalie left her corporate job to pursue her dreams and start a photography career in New York City. Learn how Natalie started and grew her photography business and how Natalie’s continuing to learn through tough times.

Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist.
Watch on YouTube.Here's your opportunity to ask our technical expert, Evan Parker, anything about printing, paper, profiling, color management and more!

Evan Kane: Discussion on Evan Kane’s Favorite Moab Papers.
Watch on YouTube.Let’s talk with portrait & fantasy photographer, and writer at Fstoppers, Evan Kane, about selecting a paper for your work. Evan will explain how and why he prefers certain papers and provide his options with tips on seeking out the right papers for you. He will provide sample prints and explain the different paper types throughout the discussion.

Les Picker: Face-to-face with an African Lioness
Watch on YouTube.Les Picker discusses the back story for a few iconic images he’s made over the last decade, the papers he has selected for final prints, and how an up-close-and-personal encounter with a lioness in the African bush led to an entire gallery collection and exhibition on Moab paper. You’ll also get some great ideas of how he uses Moab papers to promote and elevate his presentations in surprising ways you may not have thought of.

Interview with Fine Art & Commercial Photographer, Robert Farber
Watch on YouTube.Robert Farber’s style has influenced generations of photographers. His painterly, impressionistic style captures the essence of composition in every genre, including fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Join us as Legion co-founder, Michael Ginsburg, interviews Robert Farber to learn more about his accomplishments through his books, fine art and exhibitions around the world. Robert will also share exciting news about developing projects.

Dani Diamond- Building the Ultimate Portfolio.
Watch on YouTube.Robert Farber’s style has influenced generations of photographers. His painterly, impressionistic style captures the essence of composition in every genre, including fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Join us as Legion co-founder, Michael Ginsburg, interviews Robert Farber to learn more about his accomplishments through his books, fine art and exhibitions around the world. Robert will also share exciting news about developing projects.

Live Printing Presentation with Moab Technical Specialist, Evan Parker
Watch on YouTube.Evan will guide us through each step of the printing process with opportunities to ask questions along the way.

“When your memories matter” Capturing memories by wedding and fine art photojournalist, Jim Graham.
Watch on YouTube.Learn how Jim Graham a wedding photojournalist, prepares for the big event and navigate through the day to capture and preserve those special memories for his clients.
Behind the Scenes of NASA space exploration with Photographer Michael Soluri
Watch on YouTube.Michael discusses his documentary and portrait story-telling approach on what it’s like working behind-the scenes in the restricted NASA work cultures of space exploration. Through-out the presentation he will discuss shooting strategies and lessons learned working in restricted locations, including tips on how he manages his post-production workflow.
LIVE Q&A- Let’s Chat with Stephen Vanasco
Watch on YouTube.Here’s your chance to ask Stephen Vanasco all about printing. Learn all about how Stephen prints his images, sells his prints and promotes his work through social media. Come with questions for Stephen to get started printing your photos and growing your business.
Yaneck Wasio - All The Necessary Steps For Your Prints to Match Your Screen
Watch on YouTube.In this video, Yaneck will go all the necessary steps to ensure photos on your monitor match your prints. He will go over how to set up the room in which you edit photos and how to configure your computer and monitor. He will also demo proper way to prepare files for printing and reliable way to send photos to your printer from Lightroom, Photoshop, and Canon Professional Print & Layout.
Joshua Holko- Soft Proofing, Print Sizing and Output Sharpening
Watch on YouTube.In this video Moab Master Joshua Holko shares his workflow technique for how he soft proofs his photographs before sizing them and sharpening them specifically for print output. Using Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud with the Pixel Genius Sharpening plug in Joshua takes us step by step through his workflow for getting perfect screen to print matches.
Les Picker- Secrets to a Successful Portfolio
Watch on YouTube.Developing a successful portfolio of your work is not what it seems. In fact, the physical portfolio is an afterthought to the preparatory work you must do to create it. In this presentation, Moab Master Les Picker will show you the entire process involved in creating a professional portfolio, along with tips and a demonstration of a variety of physical portfolios.
Harold Davis - Staying Creative in Tough Times
Watch on YouTube.In tough times, how do we stay creative? Artist, photographer, educator, author, and Moab Master Harold Davis addresses this important topic as a two-way street: In these days of “sheltering in place” how can we keep our creative mojo going? And, how can we take advantage of ourselves as creative beings to help cope with the uncertainty of these times?
Harold will talk about creative and artistic psychological ideas for staying creative during these turbulent times in the context of his imagery , and provide examples and exercises based on his book "Achieving Your Potential as a Photographer" (Focal Press). His presentation will be followed by a Q&A.
Juan Carlos, Photo Innovation Lab - Cotton Based Papers and the Printing Workflow
Watch on YouTube.Learn why printing on tree-free papers is best for the environment and the shelf life of your images, and get an insight into the workflow and tech required to make the best prints possible.

Q&A with Moab Paper's Technical Specialist
Watch on YouTube.Photographers and artists were given the opportunity to ask our technical expert anything about printing, paper, profiling and color management.