Often times it’s best to let the artists speak themselves about why they use Moab. After all, who better to tout the paper than the people using it to print their collections and gallery prints on it?
Moab Master photographers are a select group of artists connected by their unique visions and their love of reproducing their images on Moab fine art paper. You’ll notice some well-established photographers in the galleries below, as well as photographers on the rise. Moab is proud to be associated with these artists and thank them for trusting Moab with their images.

Natalie Amrossi
"Picking a favorite Moab paper is like picking my favorite food - it just can't be done. Each type of paper changes the entire esthetic of the print and solely depends on which image is being printed. Personally, I love using Juniper Baryta Rag 305 paper for most of my day / sunset shots but night shots, I love how the Moab Slickrock Metallic paper brings the image to life with its bold, metallic look."
Scott Barrow
"Today, in the digital environment it is not unusual for me to be assigned, shoot, edit, deliver, and be compensated for a project without ever creating something that takes physical form. When I hold a freshly made print of my personal work on Entrada Rag Bright the weight, texture and visual depth of the image reconnects me to the joy and satisfaction I have about being a photographic artist."
Andy Biggs
"All my portfolios are printed on Entrada. It's necessary that each print stands alone as a piece of art, and it's because of Entrada's weight and feel that my portfolio stands out from the rest."
Barbara Bordnick
"My choice for printing my flower editions is Somerset Enhanced Velvet because the fine texture of the paper and the way the pigments lay down on it are deliciously sensuous."
www.barbarabordnick.comDani Diamond
"Like many out there I got lost in the digital world and completely neglected tangible forms of art. After 10 years of shooting I decided I must create a printed portfolio of my work. A portfolio I could tuck under my arm as I walk through the streets of Manhattan meeting with clients. Nothing tops the feeling of holding a print in your hands."
Harold Davis
"I am infatuated with Slickrock Metallic for much of my printmaking. It is bold and dramatic, and somehow at the same time paradoxically subtle. In my monochromatic imagery I strive to extend the dynamic range, and Slickrock supports this with a multidimensional look. Highly recommended!"
Robert Farber
"At an early age I had a desire to be a painter. I worked in oils and water colors. When I started as a photographer printing the images were limited to a straight photographic process. Now I’m able to print my own images and am reunited with the great fine art paper that I used early on, Somerset Enhanced Velvet (190gsm)."
Jim Graham
"My work is incredibly varied. The digital age has made printing even more important. Moab's Somerset Museum Rag and Juniper Baryta Rag help me to realize what I saw through the camera. Each paper has wonderful saturation and d-max, and both give me exceptional ways to present my images to their fullest potential."
Joshua Holko
"All of my Fine Art Photographs are printed on Moab Somerset Museum Rag. Museum Rag has a gorgeous, sensuous texture that is a delight for the senses. No other paper so beautifully captures all of the colour, detail and subtle tonalities that the natural world has to offer. I would not exhibit my work on any other paper."
Ryszard Horowitz
"Somerset Enhanced Velvet is my absolute favorite paper. Great textures, brilliant colors and neutral black & whites. I wouldn't accept anything less to embellish my images."
Jennifer King
The look and feel of a print is as important as taking the photo itself. This is why I choose Juniper Baryta Rag for my Black and White images. The way it enhances the ink and captures my vision is simply unmatched. As for my color work, I love Somerset Museum Rag for the high quality of the paper and the way it reflects each color with elegance.
Christian Lalonde
"I've tried a lot of fine art papers but i have to say that the Moab Entrada Rag papers are by far my favourite surface to print on. I absolutely love how the paper displays the depth in my images and details in the darker tones. Moab Entrada papers make my images look that much better!!"
Douglas Kirkland
"I feel that Entrada Natural is the perfect paper for me because of the rich dimension it provides us for the fine art shows which we do in various parts of the world."
Jim LaSala
"Moab's Entrada Rag Bright 300 holds texture like none other with blacks that transfer exceptionally well. Entrada is able to hold details in the deepest shadows and I get tremendous amount of latitude. Most importantly, printing on this paper allows me to achieve what I had envisioned the end result to be."
Lester Picker
Entrada Rag has become our go-to paper for everything requiring the subtlety of a matte finish. We are also excited about Slickrock and Moenkopi. In fact, we have several upcoming projects that will be printed exclusively on these unique products."
Stephen Vanasco
"My favorite paper to use when bringing my photos to life is the Juniper Baryta Rag paper. The texture it gives with the weight demonstrate its amazing quality as an fine art archival paper. The importance of print with photography is so great. Looking at your photos in physical form will teach you so much more as well as improve your photography, the way you see things and the ability to curate a gallery show or a book."
Norman Seeff
"Moab Entrada Rag Natural has the fidelity, warmth and depth I was seeking when I began creating digital prints of my images. It has superseded my favorite darkroom papers. The gorgeous matte surface turns my images into art and I am thrilled to have found a paper that fulfills all my aesthetic requirements.”
Michael Soluri
"Once I had tested Moab’s Entrada Rag Bright 300, I knew I had finally found an exceptionally crafted fine art paper whose consistency meets both my aesthetic and archival demands essential for the presentation and exhibition of my color and black and white imagery."
John Stanmeyer
"Having printed for years my work in exhibitions at galleries and museums around the world, no other paper renders more beautifully and effortlessly than Moab Lasal Exhibition Luster 300. I am elated to have embraced with passion and purpose all my printing to paper that presents humanity as I had borne witness to."
Yaneck & Sasha Wasiek
"For our wedding and portrait photography our two most popular papers are Lasal Exhibition Luster 300 and Entrada Rag Bright 300. We love the details and luster feel of the Lasal paper. For fine art/exhibition prints and print competitions we always use the Entrada Rag Bright 300 because of its superb color handling and sharpness."
Darren White
"My two favorite papers are Juniper Baryta Rag and Entrada Rag. I love the weight of both papers and how the Baryta offers a beautiful slightly textured semi gloss/sheen appearance while the Entrada Rag offers a smooth velvet non glare look. "
Michael Zide
"Using Entrada Rag allowed me to look at my work, the line, the tone and gesture of the landscape in a new light. The only paper that let's me achieve the perfection that I am looking for is Moab's Entrada Rag."